EA Talks

Think Local, Act Global: Opportunities for Long-Term Impact | Renan Araújo | EAGxVirtual 2022

In what area should you work on, especially if you come from a developing country? In this presentation, Renan explains how many people's backgrounds position them uniquely to tackle certain problems from an angle that might not be the best for everyone else – especially those from LMIC. He goes through the importance, tractability, neglectedness framework and the concept of comparative advantage, and then explains how you can use these to find low-hanging fruits in fields like pandemic preparedness, international policy, and talent search.

Effective Altruism is a social movement dedicated to finding ways to do the most good possible, whether through charitable donations, career choices, or volunteer projects. EA Global conferences are gatherings for EAs to meet. You can also listen to this talk along with its accompanying video on YouTube.